Orden cronológico Orden alfabético
Artículos publicados en revistas
Discussion of "Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment: Case Study of the Toronto Network" by Rebecca Dziedzic and Bryan W. Karney
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2016)
Including leakage in network models: an application to calibrate leak valves in EPANET
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA (2015)
Graphical method to calculate the optimum replacement period for water meters
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2011)
Understanding air valves release
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2011)
Discussion of "Transient Flow Caused by Air Expulsion through an Orifice" by De Martino, G., Fontana, N. and Giugni, M.
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2010)
Energy Audit of Water Networks
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2010)
Private water storage tanks: evaluating their inefficiencies
IWA on line International Journal Water Practice and Technology (2008)
Improving Efficiency in Water Use and Conservation In Spanish Hotels
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2005) 102KB
Leakage Assessment through Water Distribution Network Simulation
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2005)
Contadores de Agua para Riego. Medición y Recomendaciones Prácticas
Riegos y Drenajes XXI (2004)
Discussion of "Transient Flow in a Rapidly Filling Horizontal Pipe Containing Trapped Air"
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2004)
Low-flow devices in Spain:how efficient are they in fact? An accurate way of calculation
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2004)
Stochastic Model to Evaluate Residential Water Demands
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2004)
Using Multivariate Principal Component Analysis of Injected Water Flows to Detect Anomalous Behaviors in a Water Supply System. A Case Study.
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2004)
Management strategies for optimum meter selection and replacement
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2003)
Practical application of metric benchmarking in water supply systems
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2002)
Auditoria de redes de distribución de agua
Ingeniería del Agua (1999)
Metodología para la evaluación del error de medición de un parque de contadores
Ingeniería del Agua (1998)

Artículos publicados en congresos
Análisis y comparación de los principales esquemas de suministro en instalaciones generales de edificios
Spain National Young Water Professionals Conference (2010)
Calculating the optimum level of apparent losses due to meter inaccuracies
Water loss 2010 (2010) 469KB
Plataforma Online para la Formación de Profesionales
XVIII Jornadas internacionales universitarias de tecnología educativa (2010)
Disipadores de energía para controlar el vaciado de conducciones
JIA, Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua 2009 (2009)
Estimación de la respuesta de un tramo de red residencial utilizando datos reales de consumo
JIA, Jornadas de Ingeniería del Agua 2009 (2009)
Evaluation of carbon credits saved by water losses reduction in water networks
Waterloss 2009 (2009) 520KB
Tools for improving decision making in water meter Management
Waterloss 2009 (2009) 408KB

XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos (2008)
Approaching Water Meter Management from an Integrated and Long Term Perspective
Global Customer Metering Strategies - Demonstrating The Whole Life Costs And Benefits Of Intelligent Water Metering And AMR With A Detailed Focus On Structuring Tariffs & Optimising Customer Relationships (2007)
La medición de agua. Ventajas y posibilidades de considerar la temporalidad del consumo
1er Seminario Internacional sobre agua, energía y cambio climático (2007)
La medición del agua. Estado del arte
1er Seminario Internacional sobre gestión eficiente de aguas urbanas (2007)
Private Water Storage Tanks: Evaluating their Inefficiencies
Efficient 2007 - 4th IWA Specialist COnference on Efficient Use and Management (2007) 69KB
Quantification of meter errors of domestic users: a case study
Water Loss 2007 (2007) 398KB
Introducción a la historia de la ingeniería y de la gestión del agua
La ingeniería y la gestión del agua a través de los tiempos. Aprendiendo de la historia (2006)
Performance measurement systems based on IWA performance indicators. Balance Scorecards.
Fifth IWA World Water Congress (2006)
Reducing apparent losses caused by meters inaccuracies
Fifth IWA World Water Congress (2006) 267KB
Improving Efficiency in Water Use and Conservation in Spanish Hotels
3rd IWA International Conference on Efficient Use And Management Of Water (2005)
Key Factors Affecting Water Meter Accuracy
Leakage 2005. Specialised Conference of the IWA (2005) 273KB
Assessing the efficiency of efficiency programs. Benchmarking on water conservation schemes.
IWA 4th Water Congress (2004)
Column Separation Measurement in a large-scale Experimental Apparatus
9th International Conference on Pressure Surge Analysis for Design and Operation (2004)
Dynamic performance characterization of air valves
9th International Conference on Pressure Surge Analysis for Design and Operation (2004)
High Performance Water Meters. Are They a Cost-Effective Alternative?
Water & Wastewater Europe (2004)
Urban Water Demand in Spanish Cities by Measuring End Uses Consumption Patterns
2004 Water Sources Conference (2004) 179KB
Velocity Profile Effect on Woltman Water Meters Performance
FLOMEKO 12th International Conference on Flow Measurement (2004) 4.45 MB
Air valves dynamic behaviour
Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management (PEDS) (2003) 368KB
Contadores de Agua para Riego. Medición Y Recomendaciones Prácticas
XXI Congreso Nacional de Riegos (2003) 503KB
Evaluating domestic water meter accuracy. A case Study
Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management (PEDS) (2003) 76KB
Medición del agua: Presente y futuro
Catalunya temps d´aigüa. De l´abastament en alta al sanajament integral (2003)
MRI Test program on Air valves
Workshop on Air Valves (2003)
Reviewing air valves boundary conditions and their influence on their selection
Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management (PEDS) (2003) 156KB
Sistemas de medición de Agua: Presente y Futuro
VII Jornadas sobre la Mejora de la Gestión del Agua en Catalunya (2003)
Stochastic prediction of the minimum night flow demand in a district metered area
Advances in Water Supply Management. Ccwi´03 Conference (2003)
The Repair and Maintenance Costs Curve: Ways to Calculate it for a Medium Size Utility
Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management (PEDS) (2003)
Using Multivariate Principal Component Analysis of Injected Water Flows to Detect Anomalous Behaviors in a Water Supply System. A Case Study.
Efficient 2003 (2003) 577KB
A computer simulation model to evaluate supply and demand side options in urban water utility management
Water Sources Conference (2002)
La Gestión del Agua en los Países de la Unión Europea. Paradigmas del Norte y del Sur
III Congreso Ibérico sobre Gestión y Planificación del Agua (2002) 95KB
Water Management Paradox in Southern Europe. The case of Spain
5th International Conference on "Water Resources Management in the era of Transition" (2002)
A new way to audit water networks
International Conference on "Systematich Approach to Leakage Control and Water Distribution Systems Management" (2001)
Algunas consideraciones sobre la elección del tipo de contador doméstico y el cálculo de su vida útil.
Jornadas Técnicas Balearas 2015: La Gestión del Agua (2001)
Modelo para la evaluación de opciones de la oferta y la demanda en la gestión de un abastecimiento urbano
International Conference on "Efficient Use and Management of Water for Urban Supply" (2001)
Experimental setup for entrapped air pockets model validation
8th International Conference on Pressure Surges : Safe Design and Operation of Industrial Pipe Systems (2000)
El problema de los aljibes, Registro de consumos y la normativa en los abastecimientos de Agua Urbanos
Congreso Ibérico sobre gestión y planificación de aguas (1998)
Desarrollo de un Sistema de Enseñanza Visual Interactiva en el Campo de la Hidráulica a Presión
EDUTEC 97 (1997)