Column Separation Measurement in a large-scale Experimental Apparatus
Bergant A., Bournaski E., Francisco Arregui de la Cruz, Kruisbrink A.C.H.
Año de publicación
9th International Conference on Pressure Surge Analysis for Design and Operation
Lugar de celebración
Chester, Inglaterra
This paper describes a comprehensive test programme on column separation in a large-scale experimental apparatus at WL | Delft Hydraulics, The Netherlands. A dynamic test rig for check valves was used to investigate column separation and the effects of air valves on suppression of column separation in pipelines. Transient events initiated by a rapid closure of the check valve were investigated in a horizontal pipe test section. In order to investigate scale effects the tests were conducted in industrial size 200 and 500 mm diameter pipes. The results of measurements without and with surge protection device are presented and discussed. The paper is intended to serve as reference for the validation of numerical models on column separation