On-site training
The Urban Water Cycle, Collection, Purification for drinking, Treating and Impact of Dumping

At the present time the concentration of our populations in large urban centres, growing industrial development and farm work done with large-scale use of chemical biocides and fertilisers are considerably increasing the consumption of water and the dumping of waste waters, often limiting the capacity of natural water resources for use as sources of supply.

From this angle, this course attempts to put forward the urban water cycle in an overall perspective, studying the sources of supply, quality indicators, purification of drinking water for human consumption, purification treatments of waste waters, the problem of dumping and the use of mathematical models for simulating the evolution of single-dimensional receiver channels.

All of this is structured within the legislation currently in force, which is gradually adapting the directives established by the European Community on water quality to our own legal system.

40 hours
Course contents
  • The urban water cycle.
  • The sources of water supply.
  • Water collection.
  • Quality of waters for human consumption.
  • Drinking water purification treatments.
  • Technologies for water desalination.
  • Purification of waste waters.
  • Dumping of waters into receiver channels.
  • Mathematical modelling of the dispersion of contaminants dumped into single-dimension receiver channels.
  • Model of water qualities for dissolved oxygen.
  • Usage of water quality models.