
Indoor installations

By preparing studies and projects, as well as through contact with a large number of professionals (designers, engineering firms, authorities, companies) we have acquired great experience in the analysis and design of water supply and drainage systems in all kinds of buildings (residential, industrial, schools, shops, etc..), including fire-extinguishing systems which use water as extinguishing agent.

We have appropriate software for both analysing and designing these systems, always taking into account the current legislation in each case (CTE, RIPI, RIPI for Industrial Buildings, etc).

This is why, apart from giving courses, we can also offer our experience in the field of fluid installations in building, for analysing and designing such installations as:

  • Water supply according to CTE-HS.
  • Water evacuation according to CTE-HS5.
  • Fire extinguishing (CTE-SI4, RIPI, RIPIEI).
  • Hydraulic systems in closed-circuit industrial installations (cooling, air-conditioning, etc).
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Comunidad Valenciana's legal standards
 Reglamento del Servicio de Abastecimiento de agua potable a la ciudad de Valencia © 616KB
 DECRETO 73/1989, de 15 de mayo, del Consell de la Generalitat Valenciana, por el que se establecen los requisitos mínimos de infraestructura en los alojamientos turísticos © 46KB
 ORDEN de 28 de mayo de 1985, de la Conselleria de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, sobre documentación y puesta en servicio de las instalaciones receptoras de agua © 41KB
 Contenido mínimo de los proyectos de instalaciones de agua © 670KB

Spanish legal standards

Fire protection legal standards